How it all started

Back in 1989 while still in high school, Denise worked as a hostess at a local restaurant. They did kids parties complete with a clown and magic show. The clown kept not showing up and seeing the sad kids, Denise mentioned that if they could teach her to make balloons and do the magic show, she could fill in when he didn't show up. He happily taught her everything he knew but once she was trained, he never showed up again. Denise's boss chuckled a bit when he told her that she was officially the new clown. Denise still has nightmares from time to time of the red haired freckle faced boy that chased her around the restaurant trying to steal her nose.
Fast forward another 20 years and my daughter's best friend started twisting balloons for fun! She was incredible as she was a true artist after taking years of art classes. She ended up moving to Denver and we scheduled a weekend to fly out with them to go house hunting. It turned out to be the same weekend that the International Balloon Convention was in town. My 13 year old daughter and her best friend joined the Balloon jam and were taught by some of the best in the world, we are talking the guy on the cover of the balloon magazine, (yes, there is a balloon magazine!). Denise had so much fun and loved the people so much that she started going to balloon conventions in Florida and St. Louis and used her balloon skills to give back decorating for the kids school and sports teams.
In 2020 the pandemic hit and the leaders for one of the conventions started the One Million Bubble Challenge. It was a call out to balloon artists to decorate their homes to add joy in such a bleak time. Denise joined in the fun and decorated the outside of her house with a huge rainbow which signifies hope! And a peace sign!
People started taking photos and sharing on facebook and shortly afterwards, orders started coming in and I absolutely loved the response I was getting from people when I delivered the balloons. As one customer recently said, "You deliver happiness." I am so grateful for all of the wonderful people that have supported this incredible adventure in balloons!